Do You Seriously Think God Can’t Use You? Think Again!

I came across the following image on Facebook. I’m not sure who originally created it but I just love it. The image entitled “Do You Seriously Think God Can’t Use You?” is a simple reminder that God can use anybody… including you and me. Never let the enemy tell you otherwise!

Easy Wins or Baby and Bathwater

Recently I had one of those strange moments. I had seen something that made me think that it was not something that I would do. What it was isn’t important. What is important is that the reason I felt that I wouldn’t do the same was because it wasn’t a very “Christian” thing to do.

Guilt and Shame

I thought this would be a good time to go back into the recesses of history and bring up a topic that was taught in my church quite a number of years ago, now. That is, as the title of this post suggests, guilt and shame.

Misuse of Truth

Many people who fall away from the Church have a number of reasons for doing so. While a number of the more outspoken of them tend to claim that they left the Church due to intellectual reasons. However, it seems that when one hears their “un-testimony” it becomes clear that they are more likely emotional reasons.

Relating to Pain

For some time now, there have been many responses to the concept of what is known as the “Problem of Evil.” Sometimes this is also called the “Problem of Pain” or the “Problem of Suffering.” It is an argument offered to challenge the idea that there exists a God who is all powerful and simultaneously all loving.

The Other Side of the Coin

Last week, I brought up a story about going to far about keeping church and state separated. As if on queue, I just ran across another article that brings up the problem in precisely the opposite direction.