
Apologetics Today

To be completely fair, this is probably more for me than for anyone else. At times, it seems as though I have a tendency to assume that the same mistakes that I’m making are the ones that many Christians out there are making. With that, my hope is that someone who actually is making the same mistakes as me might read this and that it would somehow bless them.

Context is King

If someone were to ask the question, “What’s the best way to refute the teachings of the Christian Bible,” I suppose the answer would be…”Simple. Just take everything out of context.” It really is just that easy. The sad truth of the matter is that both skeptics and Christians have been notorious for doing this very thing for centuries.

New Study Reveals That Living Together First Can Spoil Marriage – No Really?

I know, the title of this post hints at sarcasm but this is something us Christians have been saying for some time. I’m glad to see that their is now some secular proof to back up the fact that co-habitation prior to marriage does not make for a healthy marriage. In fact, it sets it up for dismal failure.


Now, I’ll be the first to admit that Christians can often be one-sided when it comes to controversial issues. We are not necessarily any better than others when it comes to ignoring important information when it may seem to weaken the arguments for our own conclusions.

Two-Party Pains

In the past, I have never devoted much of my time to politics. In fact, in my younger years, there was pretty much no time in my life for such things. As far as I was concerned, politicians were just a bunch of power-hungry, lying thieves who’s decisions only mildly impacted my life.

Mortal Immortality

With all the articles, blogs, tweets, e-mails and news reports about the recent deaths of Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon, one more would probably make little difference. So, here’s another one.

American Desensitization

If there is one thing that the American (and world) media is good for, it’s desensitizing us to things that should shock and appall us. For years, we’ve seen recording artists push the envelope of what is or is not acceptable in our society. We’ve seen the same thing on television and in the movies. We’ve even seen it on the radio with the “shock jocks.”

Man in the Mirror

There is a very popular passage in the Gospel of Matthew about judging others. It’s one of those passages that is so well known that even non-Christians will sometimes quote it. The passage is Matthew 7:1-5.

When the Going Gets Good…

When you look back through history, particularly in America, you tend to see a correlation between faith and tragedy. Almost every time there is a major catastrophe, people come running to God. It happened with Katrina. It happened on 9/11/01. It’s a recurring theme that we continue to see. When difficulties arise, we look to God for help, for deliverance, for strength and peace.

Evangelical Group Banned From Tulsa Housing Projects

Another report involving government attempts to restrict Christian organizations – this time out of Tulsa, Oklahoma where an evangelical group has been banned from a housing project they have been ministering to for the last 20 years.


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