Christians Representing ‘Christianity’

It seems that around the world, Christ’s reputation among non-Christians is getting more and more negative. More and more among secular society, Christians are being viewed as narrow-minded, anti-gay, hateful, holier-than-thou, condescending and negative. Is this really a good representation of Christ?

Clergy Appreciation Month Draws Near End

October is Clergy Appreciation Month, a time when parishioners have the opportunity to recognize the contribution their leader makes in their life and community. This of course should be done year-round but it is nice to have a special time of the year that focuses specifically on them and their ministry they provide.

Should Christians Celebrate or Observe Halloween?

Every since I became a Christian in 1988, I have loathed the Halloween holiday. While I love some horror movies, a good haunted house and even monsters, gouls and ghosts in general, something about celebrating a holiday that is steeped in pagan rites and rituals just doesn’t sit right with me as a follower of Christ.

The United States a Christian Nation? Think Again!

While the United States may have been originally founded as a Christian nation or at least based on Christian values, to say that the U.S. is a Christian nation today is to fool ourselves. As God becomes less evident in our schools, our government, our money, the media, and even our homes, this country continues to move further and further away from traditional Christian values.

Are You Evolving As A Christian? Is It For Good or For Bad?

I was having an interesting discussion with a Christian brother and very good friend a few days ago. He mentioned an individual at his work who claimed to be a Christian due to the fact that he believed in God, went to church on a regular basis and didn’t cuss. However, my friend observed some “not so Christian-friendly” traits in this guy including the fact that he was very lazy, had a very short fuse when it came to managing his anger and was very pessimistic.