Does God Still Speak To His People & Are You Listening?

I heard an excellent message this past weekend by my Pastor entitled “Hearing God’s Voice” in which he explored the various ways Gods speaks. Does God still speak in this day in age? You bet he does! In fact, God has never stopped speaking not only to those who love and serve him but to those who don’t as well.

Stop Using Bad Christians As an Excuse to Avoid God

I am so weary of people that are “Christians” using bad Christians or bad Christian experiences as an excuse to explain why they themselves no longer pursue God. I have seen it happen over and over again throughout my Christian walk. A person becomes a Christian, starts reading the word, praying, even finding a local church where they can attend, grow and serve, and then they come across what we will call a “bad” Christian or experience that causes them to stumble.

92 Year Old Woman Turns Robbery Into Opportunity To Witness

A 92-year-old woman from Dyersburg, Tennessee recently turned an attempted robbery into an opportunity to minister to the would-be robber. Pauline Jacobi reads her Bible everyday and her strong faith keeps her going in life. It very well may have saved her from harm as well after she almost became the victim of a parking lot robbery.

Dealing With The Reality Of An Immortal Soul In A Mortal World

Our church recently experienced the loss of a dear sister, Cyndee Luque, to cancer. At her funeral ceremony, there were over 500 people in attendance to pay respects to their respective friend, spouse, mother, daughter, co-worker, cousin, sister, and ministry partner. What a beautiful picture of a person who lived their life with conviction and devotion to Christ and how extensive her reach was with the love of God.

Church Ordered To Remove Controversial Anti-Liquor Advertisement

Waynesville town officials told a local church on Monday to take down an anti-liquor display featuring a car demolished in a deadly wreck because it broke local sign rules. The N.C. Highway Patrol even got involved, sending a trooper by twice to tell church leaders that the display in front of their building would be towed if it wasn’t moved from the public right of way.

He Is Risen! Happy Resurrection Day (Easter)

He is risen! It was one thing that Jesus was crucified for all the word’s sins. It is another that He rose from the dead. By Jesus’ act of offering up His life on Calvary’s cross, our sins can be forgiven. The fact that He rose again after the crucifixion shows us that we too can have new life.